May 2017 Honey
If you think that beekeeping is all about honey, then this post is for you.
We have had two lots of spring honey this year, both harvested this month. Lot#140517 from the Copper Hive and lot#190517 from the Cedar Hive. These honeys were generated in parallel in the two hives, and are very similar in taste and colour. Both supers contained a lot of pollen, which lends a strong polleny taste to the honeys.
I used my new stainless steel settling tank, which I succumbed to buying at the BBKA Spring Convention. Doesn't it look grand?
It is a rewarding sight to watch honey flow from filter to tank. Here you can watch lot#190517 steadily drizzling from the fine filter into the settling tank, where it will stand for a while to let the air bubbles rise out. For the accompanying fragrance you will need to ask for your own jar!